The Mesh Point
Navigating Bitcoin's Noise
EP27_Jeff Ross - The Macro View - Bitcoin's Future Potential As A Major Asset Class

EP27_Jeff Ross - The Macro View - Bitcoin's Future Potential As A Major Asset Class

In this episode of Navigating Bitcoin’s Noise, I am joined by Jeff Ross of Vailshire Capital to discuss the macro drivers of our current markets. In our discussion, we cover Jeff’s value tilted view and what role Bitcoin might play in the economy going forward.

Jeff shares his view of Bitcoin as money and its future potential as a major asset class. We dig in on Jeff’s economic outlook on the changing financial landscape due to inflation, potential stagflation, leverage, and how Bitcoin fits into the challenges within the broader macroeconomic system.

Kane McGukin


Jeff Ross


The Mesh Point
Navigating Bitcoin's Noise
Navigating The Noise is a podcast dedicated to bridging the gap between traditional financial markets and crypto markets.
In each episode, I look to discuss how monetary technologies like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are evolving the underlying rails of the existing financial system.