The Mesh Point
Navigating Bitcoin's Noise
EP36 Bobby Shell - Voltage's Lightning Infrastructure For Businesses

EP36 Bobby Shell - Voltage's Lightning Infrastructure For Businesses

Putting Bitcoin on the balance sheet

In this episode of Navigating Bitcoin’s Noise, Bobby Shell from Voltage shares his views on the opportunity of providing Lightning infrastructure to businesses to further the adoption of Bitcoin. Bobby and I discuss the value of understanding our relationship with money, his entrepreneurial background, and the case for business owners holding Bitcoin on the balance sheet.

If you’re looking to better understand bitcoin’s past and its future potential as an economic network, then join us and listen in.

Kane McGukin


Bobby Shell

The Mesh Point
Navigating Bitcoin's Noise
Navigating The Noise is a podcast dedicated to bridging the gap between traditional financial markets and crypto markets.
In each episode, I look to discuss how monetary technologies like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are evolving the underlying rails of the existing financial system.