Investing Reimagined?
Chest pounding may be an arrogant way to get attention but when a whole generation seems to be doing it in unison, it likely pays to listen.
Web 3.0 Will Bring a Facelift to Banking
A recent study by CNBC shows some pretty compelling evidence that over the next decade banking will see a massive facelift. I admit it… I’m biased. But these few charts are eye-opening and jaw-dropping, to say the least!
The slow, behemoths of today’s banking service models don’t stand a chance against the new generation.
Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini, upstarts like Avanti, etc. will play revenge of the nerds on the suits and I expect they will bring the type of change we saw Facebook bring to marketing and communication channels.
One button smash buys.
Instant settlement.
24x7 degen markets.
If You Build it They Will Come
Younger gens do like stocks but considering how early we are in Crypto a 26% ownership rate is pretty high for such a new asset class. With active investing unable to compete with passive, will cryptocurrencies prove to be the equalizer? Once mom and pop are gone you gotta consider who gets the keys to the kingdom, right?
Hang on to Your Research Reports and Opinions…
Just give the next-gen a smartphone and a few apps and they're ready to invest! Yes, I know… they don’t have a ton of money or investment experience YET, though early signs like these shouldn’t be ignored. They’ll come into their own within the next 5 to 10 years. If they already don’t like the current model, then what will make them change?
Remember, they’ve spent most of their lives in a subscription model driven by an app with simple choices that are available 24x7. Let that sink in… Hello smash buying; at 1am. Or, auto DCA’ing with fractional shares… on every asset!!!! Yes, Yes, and more yes.
It. just. doesn’t. get. any-more. simple. than. that.
We’re All Social Creatures and They’re Social Generation(s)
They grew up on social media. From the web to chats by text, groceries, Netflix, dating, etc. All in an app. One swipe, one button, and go.
So, why should we expect this generation to demand anything different when it comes to how they receive their investment research?? They don’t and we shouldn’t. They likely won’t in 10 years either. Here. Now. Click. Done… That’s just how they roll. The web is their tool and Web 3.0 is underway.
For all that’s wrong in the world, in these times, this is one bright spot. The coming age where individuals can bank from their phone, bed, boat, or car; whenever and however they’d like. In an odd way, there’s a sense of responsibility forming. A sense that’s been missing for roughly two decades. Imagine that?!?!